
Contacting Charleston Limousine

Our expert booking agents and knowledgeable customer service representatives are always on the line waiting to answer your questions and handle your reservation needs! You can use the following information to get in touch with us at your earliest convenience. We certainly look forward to speaking with you about how we can best provide you with amazing service for your next group outing!

Charleston, South Carolina

Give us a call! We're happy to quote or, book your trip.

When calling us to book your reservation or even just to receive your absolutely free, no commitment required quote we will require a basic amount of information about the event you are planning in order to be able to provide you with an accurate quote to fit with your specific needs. In the event that you are calling for a quote and do not choose to book at that moment you will be happy to know that when you do decide to call back and set up your reservation you will be able to return to the booking process to finalize it when you received your free quote. Below we will highlight the key pieces of required information we will need you to provide us with in order to make sure your quote is indeed accurate for your next group outing.

We'll need to know a few things before your quote...

First piece of crucial information we will need from you is the date and time you will be wishing to schedule your reservation for, these factors alone can make a difference in the quote you receive, if you are seeking the most affordable option possible and have the flexibility to do so you will want to choose off peak times and day, for example a weekday is going to provide you with a lower hourly rate than would Saturday night at 9pm.

Second bit of information we will be needing from you will be the location we will be picking you at. Presumably this will also be the same place we will return you to for drop off at the end of the night, if for some reason this is not the case you will also need to let us know where your drop off location will be. This is to make sure that we are able to provide you service, while we try to be a flexible as possible, while rare there are some trip requests that are just not feasible for us to service, an example would be if a client wanted to be dropped off 3 hours away from the initial pickup location at the end of their reservation time, the fuel cost of returning the empty vehicle and the drivers time would make that kind of run something we simply could not do.

Thirdly, we need to know about your passengers, how many you will have, and if any of them are under the legal drinking age. The passenger sizes listed are the maximum number allowed on the vehicle by law we can not exceed that. Furthermore you will likely find yourself much happier if you have a few less people than the maximum rating to make sure all of your guests have ample room. If any of your guests are under the legal drinking age we can not permit alcoholic beverages on board the vehicle. There can be no exceptions to this.


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